Jul 27, 2022Liked by Jessica Rath

Humans can be hypocritical, and we can especially be so when it's and issue of selfishness/empathy.

I might justify myself - I was running late this morning because I slept poorly, lost my keys, couldn't find the right address- but react poorly to another - the other person was late because they didn't prioritize well and don't value my time. I work hard to very intentionally put myself in someone else's shows, to push against easy hypocrisy. I think about whether the other person has had barriers and bumps and issues. For me it takes practice. I easily feel my own hunger, but looking at another person their hunger can feel abstract. So I practice practice practice being outside of my Self, outside of Me. A lot of intentionality there.

Your beautiful post made me think about practicing being outside of the walls of Me.

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suzanne simard is a hero of mine / i've watched her TED talk multiple times and read her book / you present alot of good ideas / i would include a 'media awareness' class so maybe we aren't so brainwashed by the media we watch and read for our 'news' / so many things that need to change / last night i was at the sunset communion service at a church in our neighborhood / when we started singing about 'this little light of mine / i'm gonna let it shine' i almost cried / actually i did shed a few tears for 'how great thou art' and i'm not religious / maybe that's why i felt it so acutely / the connection between humans and the divine within us and around us (although i don't know if it can be taught) somehow needs to be prioritized in our way over commercialized world / what is wealth really ?? it's actually a feeling not a number / a feeling of peace serenity connectedness as you say and we all have access to that for free / thanks for the great post

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